ATLANTA, GA — Rideshare company Uber is calling on lawmakers to reform insurance rules through a new a multi-million dollar ad campaign.
Right now, 23% of the ride fare in Georgia goes toward the cost of insurance, according to data from Uber.
The Peach State is an outlier in the region with North Carolina’s only accounting for 7% of the fair.
Uber’s Adam Blinick says it’s a real problem. “Too many consumers don’t understand that the cost of their ride is being greatly affected by a bad legal environment.”
The multi-platform campaign comes as state lawmakers consider a tort reform package from Governor Kemp which he has said is his top legislative priority this year.
Blinick continues, “The existing system is just ripe for abuse, and it’s a price that all Georgian consumers are currently paying. It should just be stopped.”
There are currently two bills awaiting votes in the state senate.